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Monday, February 26, 2018

Rahasia Kemenangan Umat Islam

Bismillahirrahmaanirrahiim. Segala puji bagi Allah, Rabb semesta alam. Saya memuji, meminta pertolongan, dan memohon ampunan kepada-Nya. Saya juga berlindung kepada-Nya dari kejelekan diri dan keburukan amal. Siapa yang diberi petunjuk Allah, maka tak seorang pun yang dapat menyesatkannya. Siapa yang disesatkan Allah, tak seorang pun yang mampu memberinya petunjuk. Shalawat dan salam semoga terlimpahkan atas Rasulullah, keluarga, para sahabat, dan para pengikut beliau hingga hari kiamat.
Ada fenomena aneh namun sudah jamak yang diam-diam saya perhatikan puluhan tahun belakangan ini. Setiap shalat berjamaah di masjid, saya memperhatikan jumlah jamaah yang shalat. Tentu yang paling banyak adalah jamaah shalat Jumat. Kemudian disusul dengan jamaah shalat Dzuhur, Ashar, dan Magrib karena memang bertepatan dengan waktu manusia bekerja dan dalam keadaan terjaga. Selanjutnya, jamaah akan berkurang sedikit pada shalat Isya. Adapun jumlah jamaah yang paling sedikit adalah ketika shalat Subuh.
Kondisi memprihatinkan tersebut tidak hanya penulis temukan di satu tempat, tetapi hampir merata di seantero nusantara. Lalu, apa sebabnya? Mengapa banyak orang yang tidak shalat Subuh berjamaah di masjid? Mengapa sedikit sekali yang mendirikannya tepat pada waktunya? Kenapa mereka meremehkannya? Bagaimana memotivasi mereka agar istiqamah mendirikan shalat Subuh berjamah?
Pertanyan-pertanyaat tersebut selalu menggelayuti pikiran saya. Khususnya setiap Subuh ketika melihat banyak orang yang tidak hadir di masjid. Sedang apa mereka? Apa yang menghalangi mereka sampai tidak shalat Subuh berjamaah di masjid?
Padahal, keutamaan shalat Subuh tidak kalah dengan shalat lainnya, bahkan paling banyak. Pahala yang dijanjikan Allah dalam shalat Subuh pun begitu besar. Shalat Subuh mempunyai kekuatan dan dampak yang sangat luar biasa. Shalat Subuh bisa menjadi spirit kebangkitan dan kemenangan umat Islam. Karena melalui shalat Subuh kita diajarkan arti kedisiplinan, ketakwaan, keikhlasan, kesungguhan, dan tidak bermalas-malasan. Jika nilai-nilai tersebut mampu kita tanamkan dalam diri, maka umat Islam akan menjadi umat yang kuat sehingga kemenangan dan kejayaan yang kita cita-citakan akan dapat kita raih.
Buku Berkah Shalat Subuh Berjamaah sengaja saya tulis untuk memaparkan tentang spirit shalat Subuh berjamaah dengan meraih berkah yang terkandung di dalamnya. Harapannya, semoga pembaca dapat mengambil hikmah dari setiap untain kata yang tertuang dalam buku ini. Terakhir, semoga tulisan ini bermanfaat bagi kita semua dan menjadi amal jariyah bagi penulis.
Ceramahnya klik:

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Seminar Agar Shalat Tak Sia-Sia di 100 Kota

Alhamdulillah, bulan April ini saya sudah mengisi seminar Agar Shalat Tak Sia-Sia di SUMUT-Aceh. Berikut ini di antara tempatnya:

1.Masjid Darul Ihsan, Hamparan Perak
2.Masjid Al-Jihad, Pematang Siantar
3.Masjid Sunnah Al-Muttaqin, Amplas
4.Tebing Tinggi
5.Padang Sidempuan
6.Masjid Muslimin Medan
7.Masjid An Nur, Binjai
8.Ponpes Imam Syafi’i, Tanjung Pura
9.Kuta Cane, Aceh Tenggara
10.Masjid Al-Mukmin, Aceh Tamiang
11.Masjid Al Izzah, Aceh Utara
12.Ponpes Muhammadiyyah Gandapura, Biereuen
13.Aisiyah, Biereuen
14.Mushola An-Nur, Peusangan, Biereuen
15.LPTQ, Banda Aceh
             Mudah-mudahan program ini segera terwujud, sehingga shalat kaum muslimin di Indonesia tidak sia-sia.

Saturday, February 10, 2018


Sebagai pemeluk Islam, tak salah jika kita merenungkan tentang kualitas keimanan dan keislaman yang kita miliki saat ini. Bahkan, renungan seperti ini lazimnya selalu bergejolak dalam diri kita supaya mampu tampil menjadi yang terbaik di sisi Allah. Hal ini merupakan sebuah keniscayaan. Karena, sering kali, mayoritas umat ini telah merasa cukup dan merasa puas terhadap ibadah yang telah dilakukannya. Atau, karena faktor lingkungan yang sudah terkondisikan sedemikian rupa, sehingga timbul rasa malas dan enggan untuk melakukan muhasabah atas keimanan dan keislaman yang bersemayam dalam hati kita.

Telah kita pahami, bahwa iman selalu mengalami pasang surut. Iman bertambah dengan taat dan berkurang dengan maksiat. Oleh karena itu, Rasulullah memotivasi umatnya agar senantiasa memperbarui keimanan dengan cara menjalankan ibadah yang telah dianjurkan dalam Islam, yang sesuai dengan Al-Qur’an dan Sunnah.

Seorang muslim yang baik, seyogianya selalu meningkatkan kualitas ibadah yang dilakukannya. Rasulullah mengingatkan, "Barang siapa yang keadaan amalnya hari ini lebih jelek dari hari kemarin, maka ia terlaknat. Barang siapa yang hari ini sama dengan hari kemarin, maka ia termasuk orang yang merugi. Dan barang siapa yang hari ini lebih baik dari hari kemarin, maka ia termasuk orang yang beruntung." (HR. Bukhari).

Hadits di atas harus menjadi cambuk bagi kita untuk senantiasa giat beramal dan berupaya meningkatkannya setiap saat. Oleh karena itu, tidaklah mengherankan jika dalam salah satu ayat Allah memerintahkan orang-orang yang beriman agar kembali beriman. Perintah ini menunjukkan bahwa keimanan yang dimiliki orang-orang beriman masih memiliki banyak kekurangan serta kelemahan, sehingga harus senantiasa dibenahi dan ditingkatkan lagi agar lebih baik dari sebelumnya.

Bentengi Diri dengan Iman

Perkembangan teknologi akhir-akhir ini, menjadikan dunia yang amat luas di era globalisasi ini menjadi sempit, mengecil, dan terbatas. Perubahan ini tentu saja berdampak positif dan negatif bagi kelangsungan hidup seorang muslim. Dampak negatif dari perubahan dan pergeseran zaman mampu mengguncang, menggeser, dan mengikis habis nilai-nilai moral dan iman. Bahkan, lebih jauh dari itu dapat menghancurkan masa depan dan peradaban manusia.

Oleh karena itu, seorang muslim harus membentengi diri dengan keimanan dan keislaman yang kuat. Tanpa iman yang kokoh kehidupan seorang muslim akan terombang-ambing dan bisa berujung pada kehancuran. Iman adalah pelita, yang menjadi penerang dan petunjuk pada jalan yang lurus.

Menjadi Muslim Terbaik

Perjalanan waktu harus memiliki arah positif bagi kaum muslimin, yaitu bagaimana kita mampu tampil ke depan, menjadi sosok individu yang saleh, dan mampu menjadi teladan dan panutan bagi orang lain. Seorang sahabat pernah bertanya kepada Rasulullah, "Muslim bagaimana yang paling baik itu?" Rasul menjawab, "Yaitu seorang muslim yang membuat orang-orang muslim atau lainnya selamat dari gangguan, kejahatan lisan, dan tangannya." (HR Muslim).

Muslim terbaik sebagaimana ditegaskan hadits di atas adalah mereka yang mampu menjaga lisan, mampu menahan diri dan perbuatannya untuk tidak menyakiti orang lain, tidak menzalimi dan menganiaya makhluk ciptaan-Nya. Mereka adalah profil individu yang mampu menciptakan ketenangan, kedamaian, dapat melestarikan alam ciptaan Allah serta menjaganya dari kerusakan.

Seorang muslim sejati adalah mereka yang selamat di dunia dan akhirat dan mampu menyelamatkan orang lain. Rasulullah mengibaratkan kehidupan seorang muslim bak lebah, yang hanya menghisap sari pati bunga yang cantik nan harum semerbak, hingga hanya menghasilkan sesuatu yang besar manfaatnya bagi manusia, yaitu madu. Makna implisitnya, seorang muslim di mana pun dia berada dan kapan pun harus memberi manfaat bagi lainnya, tidak menjadi sampah dan parasit yang merugikan.

Muslim yang paling baik adalah mereka yang bermanfaat bagi orang lain. Kehadirannya selalu dinantikan, kebaikannya selalu diberikan kepada siapa saja tanpa pandang bulu, senang membantu yang susah tanpa pamrih. Karena itu orang selalu mendambakan dan selalu aman hidup bersamanya.
Dalam konteks lain, Rasulullah menjelaskan bahwa muslim yang baik adalah mereka yang panjang usianya kemudian banyak beramal salih. Hari demi hari selalu diisi dengan prestasi ibadah yang tiada henti. Di samping itu, Al-Qur’an telah menjelaskan secara jelas bahwa kriteria umat terbaik ialah mereka yang mampu menegakkan amar makruf nahi mungkar dan beriman kepada Allah.

Maka, mari kita bangkit dari keterpurukan. Kita harus mampu tampil menjadi individu yang bermanfaat. Memiliki kasih sayang kepada makhluk ciptaan Allah, mampu menjadi panutan, menebar kebaikan, banyak beribadah, bertakwa kepada Allah, dan memiliki komitmen untuk menegakkan amar makruf nahi mungkar.


As an adherent of Islam, it is not wrong to reflect on the qualities of faith and Islam we have today. In fact, such musings are usually always churning in us to be able to appear to be the best in God's sight. This is a necessity. Because, oftentimes, the majority of these people have felt enough and are satisfied with the worship he has done. Or, because of environmental factors that have been conditioned in such a way, so arises feeling lazy and reluctant to perform muhasabah for faith and Islam that reside in our hearts.

We have understood that faith always has its ups and downs. Faith increases with obedience and diminishes with immorality. Therefore, the Prophet motivated his people to always renew their faith by performing the worship that has been recommended in Islam, which is in accordance with the Qur'an and Sunnah.

A good Muslim, should always improve the quality of his worship. The Messenger of Allah reminded, "Whoever his charity today is worse than yesterday, then he cursed." Whoever is today is the same as yesterday, he is a loser, and who is better today than yesterday, then he is one of the lucky ones. " (Narrated by Bukhari).

The above hadith should be a whip for us to always do good deeds and try to improve it every time. Therefore, it is not surprising that in one verse Allah commands believers to return to faith. This command shows that beliefs belonging to believers still have many shortcomings and weaknesses, so it must always be fixed and improved again to be better than ever.

Fortify ourselves with Faith

Recent technological developments, making the vast world in this globalization era narrow, narrow and limited. This change certainly has a positive and negative impact on the survival of a Muslim. The negative effects of change and the shift of the times are capable of shaking, shifting, and eroding moral values and faith. In fact, further than that can destroy the future and human civilization.

Therefore, a Muslim must fortify himself with strong faith and Islam. Without a strong faith the life of a Muslim will be swayed and can lead to destruction. Faith is a lamp, a light and a guide on a straight path.

Being the Best Muslim

Time travel must have a positive direction for the Muslims, that is how we are able to come forward, become a pious individual figure, and able to be role models and role models for others. A friend once asked the Messenger of Allah, "What is the best Muslim?" The apostle replied, "That is a Muslim who makes Muslims or others safe from interruption, verbal evil, and his hands." (Muslim).

The best Muslims as asserted above hadith are those who are able to keep verbal, able to restrain themselves and their actions not to harm others, not to oppress and to persecute His creatures. They are profiles of individuals who are able to create tranquility, peace, can preserve the creation of God and keep it from harm.

A true Muslim is a survivor in the world and the hereafter and is able to save others. Rasulullah likens the life of a Muslim like a bee, which just suck the essence of a beautiful flower and fragrant fragrant flower, to produce only something of great benefit for humans, namely honey. The implicit meaning, a Muslim wherever he is and wherever should benefit others, does not become waste and harmful parasites.

The best Muslims are those who benefit others. His presence is always awaited, his kindness is always given to anyone indiscriminately, happy to help the hard unconditional. Because of that people always crave and always safe to live with him.
In another context, the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) explained that good Muslims are those who are old and then do good deeds. Day after day is always filled with unremitting worship performance. In addition, the Qur'an has clearly explained that the criteria of the best people are those who are able to establish amar makruf nahi mungkar and believe in Allah.

So, let us rise from adversity. We must be able to appear to be useful individuals. Having affection to God's creatures, able to be role model, spread goodness, worship a lot, be cautious to Allah, and have commitment to uphold amar makruf nahi mungkar.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

How do we defend the honor of the Prophet Muhammad?

By: Fahrur Mu'is, M.Ag

Lately Muslims are preoccupied by outside attacks that insult the Prophet Muhammad, either through cartoons, newspapers, books, movies, or other media. As Muslims, we are obliged to defend the honor of the Messenger of Allah. However, before that we first need to know who the people who insult the Prophet Muhammad SAW? This is important so that we can defend him in a proper and correct way.

At least, there are three groups of people who insult the Prophet.
1. The one who is jealous of him
2. The one who does not know who he is
3. Persons defamatory with the state and decline of Muslims

In a survey conducted by Dr. Raghib As-Sirjani as written in obtained data that:
29.7% of people insulted the Prophet for not knowing him,
35.5% because of envy to him, and
34.8% due to being fooled by the decline of the Muslims.

People who do not know him certainly not a few in number. Especially in the Western world.
As for those who are spiteful to the Messenger of Allah and Islam, so long ago this group has emerged. The Qur'an explains, "How many prophets have We sent unto the former peoples. And no prophet came to them but they always made fun of him. "(Az-Zukhruf: 6-7)
At the time of the Messenger of Allah, there were known names of characters who often insulted him like Abu Jahl, Al-Walid bin Al-Mughirah, 'Uqbah bin Abi Mu'ith, and An-Nadhr bin al-Harith.

As for how to defend the Prophet against the attacks of three classes are as follows:
1. People who are spiteful.
We must be firm with them by giving a stern warning, asking them to apologize to Muslims or even to expel and boycott them.
2. Fools
We must try to identify who the Messenger of Allah and what his teachings to them malalui various ways and media.
3. Those who are slandered by the decline of the Muslims
Muslims should strive together to advance in every aspect of life, both science, economics, politics, and morals.


What's so good about being an end-time people? Then, what is also good to be the early people? Of course this is not our domain. We live in our own time. Every era, time, and time is a challenge for us, with its advantages and disadvantages.

One of the tough tests for the end-time people is that they will face various slander and disaster that will happen as the age of this world ages. Slander is like a broken beads. If one disaster has occurred, it will be followed by other disasters. Moreover, read my book titled FINAL DISASTERS.

However, there is also good and virtue compared to people who do not witness it. What is that? Worship in difficult times and occurrences of slander, rewards are enormous. Let us read the following words of the Prophet.

Ma'qil bin Yasar r.a. said, the Messenger of Allah. said: "Worship in times of chaos and slander, rewards like hijrah to me."

According to Muslim narrations, At-Tirmidhi, Ahmad, and Ibn Majah from Ma'qil bin Yasar: Worshiping in times of chaos of reward is like hijrah to me. "

Al-Munawi in Faydhul Qadîr (4/373) said, "Worship in times of turmoil, that is in the period of slander and chaotic case. Like hijrah to me that is in the case of many rewards. Or anyone thinks that people who emigrate in the first period are few because most people can not do it. Similarly, the worshipers of the slander also numbered little. Ibn al-Arabi said, 'The meeting point of the similarity with the hijrah is that in the early days, people fled from the land of kufr and its inhabitants to the land of faith and its inhabitants. If slander has occurred, it is incumbent upon everyone to run with his religion from slander to worship, and to avoid the slanderers and the circumstances. This is one of the forms of hijrah. So, worshiping in times of turmoil can melt past sins, like hijrah. '"

الدافع للكتابة

بقلم: ابو نجيب عبد الله محمد فخر المعز
قبل شهر، طلبت مني منظمة الحرم الجامعي في سولو أن أملأ منتدى صباح الخميس. وقالت اللجنة، والمواد بسيطة، وهي الدافع للكتابة. واستجابة للطلب، لا أستطيع أن أبتسم إلا لنفسي. هل صحيح أنني يستحق الكتابة الدافع؟ كم عدد الكتب التي أكتبها؟ أنا أعترف، والسؤال هو ما يجعلني ابتسم لنفسي.
على الأقل لدي بالفعل أربعة أعمال منشورة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، لدي بعض المراجع جيدة جدا.
حسنا، ما ذكرته في الدراسة وأيضا هنا ورقة تم إنتاجها من قبل العلماء. أقول مثالا على ذلك:
- محمد بن جرير الثعباري، وهو قادر على كتابة ما يصل إلى 40 قطعة يوميا.
كتب الإمام البيهقي كتاب ألف جزء.
كتب الإمام أبو حاتم الرازي كتابه المسند الذي يصل إلى ألف جزء.
وقد كتبت إبن تيمية أكثر من 400 مقالة في مختلف التخصصات.
-سويوطي، الذي يطلق عليه اسم "أب الكتاب" وقد كتب ما يصل إلى ستمائة المقالات. يمكن قراءة البيانات في كتاب علوو الهمة، كتبه محمد المقدم.
ومن الواضح أنه يجعلنا جميعا متحمسين. مدى الإنتاجية التي يكتبونها. كيف المباركة كانت وقتهم. في الواقع، لم يكن هناك جهاز كمبيوتر، كمبيوتر محمول، والإنترنت. ثم، ماذا عنا الآن عندما مرفق كاملة؟ كم نكتب؟ لذلك، ليس هناك دافع أقوى وراء الدافع لنشر الحق. اكتب الآن!


By: Fahrur Mu'is

A month ago, a campus organization in Solo asked me to fill out a forum on Thursday morning. The committee said, the material is simple, namely the motivation to write. Responding to the request, I can only smile to myself. Is it true that I am worth writing motivation? How many books do I write? I admit, the question is what makes me smile to myself.

There was no cane root was finished. The saying goes that, personally I mean with no expert, I dare. At least I already have four published works. Plus, I have some pretty good references.

Well, what I have mentioned in the study and also here is a paper that has been produced by the scholars. I say just an example:

-Muhammad bin Jarir Ath-Thabari, he is able to write as many as 40 pieces per day.

-Imam Al-Baihaqi wrote a book of one thousand juz.

-Imam Abu Hatim Ar-Razi wrote his book, Al-Musnad, as many as a thousand juz.

-Ibnu Taimiyah has written over 400 articles in various disciplines.

-As-Suyuthi, who is dubbed the "Father of the Book" has written up to six hundred essays. The data can be read in the book Uluwwul Himmah, the writings of Muhammad Al-Muqaddam.

Obviously it makes all of us unnerved. How productive they write. How blessed were their time. In fact, there was no computer, laptop, and internet. Then, what about us now when the facility is complete? How many do we write? So, there is no strongest motivation beyond the impulse to convey the truth. Write now!

Seminar Agar Shalat Tak Sia-Sia di 100 Kota

Tahun 2013 ini kami memiliki program untuk mengadakan seminar Agar Shalat Tak Sia-Sia di 100 kota di Indonesia. Alhamdulillah, selama ini kami sudah bekerjasama dengan berbagai lembaga, yayasan, dan ormas di berbagai kota, seperti: 
  1. Masjid Agung Sragen
  2. Masjid Agung Siemeulue, Aceh
  4. FP UNS
  5. Masjid Sampangan, Solo
  6. Masjid Abu Bakar Ash-Shiddiq, Kartasura
  7. Masjid Jami’ Bantul
  8. Masjid Nur Sulaiman, Banyumas.
  9. Masjid Darul Ihsan, Hamparan Perak, Medan
  10. Masjid Al-Jihad, Pematang Siantar, Sumut
  11. Masjid Sunnah Al-Muttaqin, Amplas, Sumut
  12. Tebing Tinggi, Sumut
  13. Padang Sidempuan, Sumut
  14. Masjid Muslimin, Medan
  15. Masjid An Nur, Binjai, Sumut
  16. Ponpes Imam Syafi’i, Tanjung Pura, Sumut
  17. Kuta Cane, Aceh Tenggara
  18. Masjid Al-Mukmin, Aceh Tamiang
  19. Masjid Al Izzah, Aceh Utara
  20. Ponpes Muhammadiyyah Gandapura, Biereuen, Aceh
  21. Aisiyah, Biereuen, Aceh
  22. Mushola An-Nur, Peusangan, Biereuen
  23. LPTQ, Banda Aceh     
Kami membuka kerjasama selebar-lebarnya kepada seluruh kaum muslimin di mana saja untuk mengadakan acara yang sama. Dengan seminar ini, kami berharap shalat kaum muslimin tidak sia-sia.                                                                                        


Oleh: Fahrur Mu'is
Sebulan yang lalu, sebuah organisasi kampus di kota Solo meminta saya untuk mengisi forum kajian Kamis pagi. Kata panitia, materinya sederhana, yaitu motivasi menulis. Menanggapi permohonan tersebut, saya hanya bisa senyam-senyum sendiri. Apa benar saya sudah layak memberi motivasi menulis? Sudah berapa sih buku yang saya tulis? Saya akui, pertanyaan tersebutlah yang membuat saya tersenyum sendiri.

Tak ada rotan, akar pun jadi. Demikian pepatah mengatakan yang, secara pribadi saya artikan dengan tak ada pakar, saya pun berani. Minimal saya sudah punya empat karya yang telah diterbitkan. Ditambah lagi, saya memiliki beberapa referensi yang memadai.

Nah, yang sudah saya sampaikan di kajian tersebut dan juga di sini ialah karya tulis yang telah dihasilkan oleh para ulama. Saya sampaikan sekadar contoh:
-Muhammad bin Jarir Ath-Thabari, beliau mampu menulis sebanyak 40 lembar per hari.
-Imam Al-Baihaqi menulis kitab sebanyak seribu juz.
-Imam Abu Hatim Ar-Razi menulis kitabnya, Al-Musnad, sebanyak seribu juz.
-Ibnu Taimiyah telah menulis lebih dari 400 karangan dalam berbagai disiplin ilmu.
-As-Suyuthi, yang digelari dengan "Bapak Kitab" telah menulis hingga mencapai enam ratus karangan. Data tersebut dapat kita baca dalam buku Uluwwul Himmah, tulisan Muhammad Al-Muqaddam. 

Jelas hal itu membuat kita semua terkesima. Betapa produktifnya mereka menulis. Betapa barakahnya waktu mereka. Padahal, dahulu belum ada komputer, laptop, dan internet. Lalu, bagaimana dengan kita sekarang saat fasilitas sudah lengkap? Sudah berapa bukukah yang kita tulis? Maka, tak ada motivasi terkuat yang melebihi dorongan hati untuk menyampaikan kebenaran. Tulis sekarang juga!

Jihad with the Qur'an to Reach the Glory of the People

We have just finished the month of Ramadan with wisdom and togetherness. Hopefully the spirit of Ramadan will always be burning in our hearts, so that Muslims in Indonesia will lessen the problems, such as the rise of heresy, economic downturn, bribery, corruption, and so on.

The question now is what causes all this? Why the problems that accumulate still envelop us? Jama'ah all, the answer is very clear, that we are far from light and light. The more we move away from these lights and lamps, the farther we are from the right path, and the deeper we are also trapped in the black aisle of misguidance and misery.

That light is the Qur'an and the Pelita is As-Sunnah.

Allah Almighty says: "O mankind, indeed has come to you the proof of truth from your Rabb (Muhammad by miracle) and We have sent down to you a bright light (al-Qur'an)." (Surat al-Nisa ': 174 ).

If a man shrinks away from this light and lamp, the poisonous arrows and the lust will stick to his soul so easily, that he loses his religious sanity, becomes insane to the world, loses his self-control and ultimately fears death, pseudo-pleasures in this perishable world.

This condition that makes the enemy lost his fear to us, no longer afraid to menzalimi our brothers. The Messenger of Allah said:

"Almost (the time is coming) all the nations will besiege you from all sides like those who eat around their plates."
 The Companions asked: "Because we are the least bit that day?" Rasulullah sallallaahu 'Alayhi wasallam said: "The number of you at that time much. but you are just like froth and garbage brought by the flood. Fear has been lifted from the hearts of your enemies and in your heart Wahn laid. "

They asked: "What is Wahn?"

Rasulullah sallallaahu 'Alayhi wasallam replied: "The love of the world and the fear of death." (HR Ahmad).

In another hadith the Prophet sallallaahu 'Alayhi wasallam reminds us:
"If you have bought and sold by the way of al-'Inah (riba), or you (only) follow the cows (hijackers), and have ridha (feel enough) by just farming, so you leave jihad, then Allah will bring upon you the shame that He will not revoke until you return to your religion. "(Narrated by Abu Daud).

Does this condition discourage us? Does this condition make us pessimistic?

No, not again! It is precisely this condition should encourage us to rise, motivating us to re-empower all the potential of the people that are available.

We should not fall asleep in the traps of God's enemies, Allah calls us to rise up against them by the Qur'an. Yes, the first step that must be swung is jihad with the Qur'an. Allah says:

 "Then follow thou the Gentiles, and strive with it (the Qur'an) with great jihad." (Surah Al Furqan: 52)

Jihad with the Qur'an means:

1. Learn to read it correctly in earnest, inflame the spirit of recitation of the Qur'an at all levels and all circles without exception.

 The Messenger of Allah said: "Read the Qur'an, for the Qur'an will come on the Day of Judgment as a giver of intercession for those who read it." (Muslim).

2. Giving the memorizers of the Qur'an (hafizh / hafizhah) with earnest effort, the Qur'an resides within their bosoms, heard from their oral tongues, and manifest in their daily deeds.

  Allah says: "Actually, the Quran is the real verses in the chests of those who are given knowledge and no one denies our verses except those who do wrong." (Surat al-'Ankabut: 49).

3. A genuine and continuous effort to stay alive in the Qur'an, to explore the depth of its meaning, to bring the heart to its full recitation.

 Allah says: "Do they not then pay attention to the Qur'an or are their hearts locked up" (Surah Muhammad: 24).

Tadabbur Al-Qur'an will open the heart and mind to find solutions of all problems. Allah says: "This is a Book which We send unto you full of blessings that they may hearken unto his verses and that those who have a mind shall learn." (Surah Shaad: 29).

4. The struggle to translate the Qur'an in life, practice and enforce the laws of God in it. If oral we must correctly recite the verses, then our body must also properly carry out those verses. Allah says:
 "Verily, this Qur'an gives guidance to the (path) that is more upright and gives good tidings to the believers who do righteous deeds that for them there is a great reward." (Surat al-Isra ': 9).

5. Da'wah and convey the teachings of the Qur'an to all mankind. Allah says:

"Messenger of Allah, deliver what is revealed to you from your Lord. And if you do not do (what it is commanded, it means) you did not deliver His message. God keeps you from (disturbing) man. Allah hath not guided the unbelievers. "(Surah Al-Ma'idah: 67).

Da'wa is the way of the prophets and messengers of Allah's messengers, preaching means walking their way, applying the path of the Prophet Muhammad under the auspices of the Qur'an.

Jihad with the Qur'an is a great jihad, for this is what will prepare the birth of khayru ummah (the best people) that uphold Islam and Qur'an leadership and bring prosperity and tranquility not only for Muslims but for the whole universe, as it has been recorded in history with golden ink, since the generation of companions over the centuries.

At the end of this sermon, we order the leaders of the nation, to fear Allah in the care of the 250 million servants of God in this country. Make the Qur'an as a guideline, As-Sunnah as a light, otherwise the tribulation has been waiting in this world before in the afterlife. Allah says: "And whoever turns away from My warnings, for him is a narrow life and We will raise him on the Day of Judgment in a state of blindness." (Surah Thaha: 124).

To the muslims, the hope of the good of this nation also rests on you, good and bad this people is in your hands. Take care of your honor, wear your true shar'i hijab, not to the extent of fashion, so to become a show of aurat in another form.

To the wives, be a harbor of heart for your husband, berths, and lara. Be a true wife whose love for husband for God, obey him in obedience to God.

To the youth, you are the hope of the people and the nation! Be a tough young believer!

To our fathers and mothers, be present in the days and in the soul of your baby. Be present with the Qur'an, come with a soul-filled love to lead them into the real mujahid and mujahidah.


Book Title: For Prayers Nothing in Vain

Author: Muhammad bin Qusri Al-Jifari

Publisher: PQS Publishing, Solo

Printed: I, November 2012

Page: 168 p.

Price: Rp. 26.000, -

Marketing: 0823 2404 1000

Charity servant who will first dihisab on the Day of Resurrection is a prayer. If a person's prayer is good, he has been lucky. If his prayers are bad, then he loses. But unfortunately, when observed, many people praying just random. Prayer for him is a burden. The purpose of its implementation is nothing more than to abort the obligation. His movements without appreciation and reading are just memorization. Prayers are less meaningful and less influential in life.

The book written by Muhammad bin Qusri Al-Jifari is presenting many ways for our prayers are not in vain. For, long ago the Prophet had warned, "Really someone has prayed for 60 years, but no one prayer is accepted. It may be that he perfected his bow, but did not perfection. Or, he perfected the prostration, but did not complete the bow. "(Narrated by Abul Qashim in As-Silsilah Ash-Shahihah).

In this book, in addition to internal causes, the author also explains the external causes that make the prayer in vain. In total there are 28 causes. The book divided into these four chapters begins with a refresher on the position of prayer in Islam and ends in various ways for prayer not in vain.

This book is interesting and intriguing to many people. Is there really anything that causes prayers not to be received? Or, this book even 'menjewer' ear anyone who bad prayer. No wonder, not a few readers who immediately give a comment when finished reading it. On page 12, for example, a reader says, "I just read the book Agar Prayer Tak Takia Sia. After reading, I feel the prayers I have been working on for 50 years have not been anything. Very good book and awakened to introspection. "